
Best Henna for Hair Ever

Light Mountain Natural Hair Color

Every once in a while, we stop to remember that, before anyone ever used henna for temporary body art in this country, henna’s main job was dyeing hair! And there’s a reason why using henna for hair is so popular. Henna coats each hair shaft with a natural, semi-permanent protein called hennatannic acid. Heat causes …

When Any Temporary Tattoo Becomes a Henna Tattoo

Over the years, I’ve noticed that “henna tattoo” has become a catchall term for all kinds of temporary tattoos. Decals, metallic tattoos, chokers, tattoo patterns, jagua tattoos, “black henna” tattoos—as long as it evokes a henna tattoo, well then, that’s what they’re called! On the positive side, this mysterious reinterpretation of “henna tattoo” simply means …