My henna mandala
Well, here we are, holed up in our homes, quarantined. What to do, What to do? What I seem to be doing is working like crazy on all the projects that were in the works before the crisis hit. Because, it won’t last forever, right? And when it’s over and we get back to some semblance of normalcy, I’ll be ready to hit the ground running! But even though I’m staying very busy, I have to say I’m also not very busy. Time seems to have taken on a strange, new texture. Sometimes it goes by very quickly, like Can somebody please give this week a speeding ticket?? And other times, I feel like I’m moving through a sea of maple syrup, wanting to stay in bed longer than usual, and giving in to it (smile on my face very visible).
And then sometimes I just feel like playing. Watched enough movies, talked to enough people, and craving something creative to do with my hands. And then I remember, um, you manufacture temporary tattoo kits! I love giving myself henna tattoos. I’m around it so much that I forget how wonderful it is to watch the beautiful, rich, reddish-brown color slowly develop over 48 hours. I find myself looking at my new design over and over, and smiling.
It’s well-known that one of the medicinal properties of the henna plant is its effect on the nervous system. It soothes the thing. What a perfect thing to do in these stressful and uncertain times. This crisis is reminding me of how much I love the business I’m in. It leads to a more relaxed and smiling human being. And that’s a good thing!